Stovetop Apple Crisp

Do you make special brunch on weekends? James and I have a chaotic weekday schedule as we try to balance working, cooking, our fitness routines and taking care of our 18-month-old. We CHERISH our weekends. We take turns sleeping in (I get Saturday and James gets Sunday) and the other person is in charge of making brunch.

I was getting tired of our usual options; pancakes, waffles, baked goods, eggs/toast; and decided to whip up this recipe one morning. It was a success!

If you’re feeling lazy in the morning and have to prepare something quick, delicious and filling for the fam, I highly recommend stovetop apple crisp! We all enjoyed it, especially with some vanilla yogurt. I’ll definitely be doing this again soon.

All you need is one deep pan! I originally started in my Le Creuset Shallow Fry Pan and transferred to a Wok because the apples will need the space to cook in water.

Recipe: Stovetop Apple Crisp

Time: 20-30 minutes (including prep and cooking)
Serves: 4 bowls

What you’ll need:

Oat Granola

  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons pecans
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons butter or coconut oil


  • 6 small apples, peeled and sliced
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons maple syrup or honey
  • 1 cup water


  • Mix together oats, flour, cinnamon, salt, pecans and maple syrup
  • Place your pan on medium-high heat with butter/coconut oil and let it get hot
  • Pour your oat mixture over the hot butter/coconut oil and stir it around until it is lightly browned, toasted and fragrant
  • Transfer the oat granola into a bowl and place it aside
  • Mix your apples, cinnamon and maple syrup/honey together and pour it into the same pan that you used for the oat granola
  • Add water to the pan, cover with a lid and let the apples cook for about 5-7 minutes
  • Remove the lid and let the apples reduce; you should barely have any water left once they are ready
  • Transfer the apples evenly from the pan into four separate serving bowls (discard the water if there is any left)
  • Add the oat granola + a dollop of vanilla yogurt on top of the apples or serve on the side, upto you!

Enjoy! Be sure to share your creation with me @anumrubec or #BakingwithAnum.
