Getting Back into Flow with Yoga Tree Studios

When I first began yoga practice (seven years ago), I was stiff and had no clue what I was doing. As much as I wanted to roll up my mat and escape the class quietly, I took the polite route and stuck until the end. On my way home, I had a new sensation in my body that I didn’t know existed… I was actually feeling relaxed. I didn’t ever want to lose that feeling; I started doing yoga daily, and kept the momentum for a year.
Somewhere between growing up and building my career, I forgot to keep up with my practice. It wasn’t until recently this year that I was given the opportunity to start again with Yoga Tree Studios and I could NOT pass it up!

James and I have been going to 3-4 classes a week, and I can feel the strength, flexibility and calmness coming back. At the beginning of each class, I feel super tense from my stressful/crazy workday, and by the end of it, I swear I’m like a whole different person.

While there are so many yoga studios in the GTA (with new ones popping up weekly), Yoga Tree Studios has a unique way of teaching its members. Each instructor ensures that everyone is getting the most out of their practice, from learning a position to stretching the right way, and helping your body reach beyond what your mind thinks you can’t do.
The classes I’ve been enjoying are:
  • Jivamukti – I look forward to Tuesday evenings SO much because I get to attend this class (Spadina location) for 75 minutes, and then fall peacefully asleep soon after. It’s such a liberating feeling when you are finally able to do something you couldn’t before, and each week, it feels like a totally new experience!
  • Core Yoga – Firstly, I’m not even sure how we were able to get up for this early on a Saturday morning (Bay/Dundas location), but I’m so glad we did because it was a hour-long intensive class that aims to work on your core body strength. Some of the exercises we learned were AMAZING. I can’t wait to go back.
Next on my list is to try the popular Flow classes, ease my way into hot yoga and of course, continue to do MORE Jivamukti.

This post is in partnership with Yoga Tree Studios. However, all photos and opinions are my own and 100% honest.

This post was originally published on and has been copied and modified to fit this website.